Bruxelles se dote d’un « plan santé » - monoeil - Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Photo: monoeil - Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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Bruxelles se dote d’un « plan santé »

Since the sixth Belgian State Reform, the Regions have new competences in the health sector.

In Brussels, the Joint Community Commission (COCOM), responsible for personal matters common to the two communities in the region, intends to deliver a health plan to mark out the policies to be implemented. The aim is to set out policy guidelines for the next seven years in the public health sector.

The plan was finalised after an extensive consultation involving more than 300 people from 81 health sector associations, with 8 working groups: in-patients, addiction, mental health, frontline, general medicine, children, palliative care and prevention-promotion.

The envisaged objectives and measures shall take into account the specific features of the Brussels health sector: changes in the population, the young population, the birth rate and the large percentage of people who postpone medical care for financial reasons.

The plan covers three main objectives:

  • Combat inequalities. In particular, with the establishment of a systematic impact test on the health of all decisions made in terms of health policies.
  • Promote an accessible and consistent care pathway. Streamlining is the major focus here.
  • Improve health policy management by reinforcing cooperation.

For each objective, concrete measures are planned. In this way, investment is to be made in prevention, and focuses on pregnancy, birth and early childhood. In terms of streamlining, the plan will include a single contact point for all prevention policies. Regarding health policy management, greater patient involvement is anticipated.

The Brussels Health Plan was adopted by the United College at first reading on Thursday, 5 July. It must now be submitted to the advisory bodies, the health management council and personal support at Iriscare and to the Advisory Board. It is due to be submitted to Parliament after the parliamentary recess.

Associated areas of specialisation: Health and social security