Guy de San

Guy de San

Guy de San’s main task is to take care of the many different aspects of the firm's day-to-day activities, allowing each EQUAL lawyer to work in a stress-free environment.

Guy de San has more than 35 years of experience in the field of corporate and institutional communication.

As a project and/or account manager, he has been in charge of several long-term framework contracts for the European institutions and the private sector.

Guy was head of the production department for over 10 years and a member of the management committee of the Qwentès agency for almost 10 years. He was managing director of TiPiK for 9 years and founded the companies ATENSO sprl and the MAJOR TOM company.

In 2015, when EQUAL was founded, he assisted with external communication aspects and the organisation of the firm’s events.

Since 2017, he has been in charge of organising support for all EQUAL lawyers, enabling each of them to focus on their cases and clients in the best possible conditions.