Camille de Bueger

Camille de Bueger

I mainly work in environmental law, energy law, urban planning law and general public law, which includes local taxation.

The thing I especially like about these areas is their role in the transition to more sustainable management of our country and, on a wider scale, our planet.

My role in public law cases, more specifically in these areas, is to advise, support and defend our clients, who may be private or public parties. I work alongside them in the preparatory phase, during implementation and once the project has begun. When it comes to disputes, I believe it is crucial to seek a reasonable, amicable solution before initiating any court action.

In terms of urban planning, the environment and energy, the legal framework is constantly evolving because of the influence of Belgian and European legislators. This means I have to stay up to date, which is what inspires me to write about these exciting topics and to devote some time to the various training courses that EQUAL organises—as well as being motivated by educational goals and the need to be in touch with the situation on the ground.

I chose to work at EQUAL because the values at the heart of the project correspond to the values that have always guided my choices. I believe in change that we initiate and that benefits us, which is expressed well in our slogan, “law for better living”. In my view, law is one of the most useful and effective ways of creating a better world.