Linli Pan - Van de Meulebroeke

Linli Pan - Van de Meulebroeke

Having graduated with a Master's degree in public law from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and with a complementary Master's degree in European law from the College of Europe in Bruges, I joined EQUAL and the Brussels Bar.

I am specialising in economic public law and environmental law. In a rapidly-changing world, we are required to be agile in adapting to the major challenges we are asked to handle by offering pragmatic and innovative solutions. However, at a time when everything is moving faster, such solutions must be provided with a view to sustainability. These concerns are at the very heart of my commitment at EQUAL.

Although I began my studies with the protection of individual interests in mind, it did not take me long to realise the potential of public law in contributing overall to achieving a better society. Public law is a fundamental organisational tool for living together and my profession allows me to specifically participate in projects of benefit to the community.

I am eager to build a genuine relationship of trust with clients, based on listening to and understanding their needs. My work includes assisting public authorities and their partners in preparing public policies that are designed to meet the challenges they face, and I answer any questions connected with how their activities are carried out. This demands an in-depth and precise understanding of the issues in question and allows me to learn every day about a wide variety of areas, fields and sectors.

Working at EQUAL gives me the opportunity to join a bold and visionary project, supported by a committed team that shares the values to which I fully subscribe.