Luc Depré

Luc Depré

Luc specialises in public law and more specifically in urban planning, environmental and energy law.

These three areas are intricately linked and are the three pillars of maintaining a sustainable relationship with our planet. Nowadays, public authorities and companies need to realise that their own interests need to converge towards the common good in all these areas.

Increasing demographic pressure presents major challenges in terms of urban planning, and subsequently the need for legal advice, for converting social projects into legal texts and for protecting the parties affected.

The subject of energy also poses great challenges, from the transition to new sources of energy, enhanced management of consumption, to decentralised production. The law has to fulfil its role and guide private companies and public authorities through these profound changes, while raising awareness on the need to evolve and innovate. Our role is also to help all stakeholders create a favourable legal framework for this.

The environment is where we live. If the environment deteriorates or is impaired, it is our well-being which suffers. Protecting the environment and its ecosystems therefore amounts to preserving our well-being. The destruction of ecosystems constitutes in this respect a serious attack against us as humans.

Luc finds law interesting in the sense that it contributes to achieving societies’ goals, which is the foundation stone of the EQUAL project. Commitment is also one of the virtues of a legal advisor. Luc translates this into action as Director of the NGO Seed of Life.